Next General Meeting
23rd Annual HBRC Challenge Phase I
When: Wed March 26 at 7PM West Coast Time
It’s March! And you know what that means… it’s “Challenge” month! Yep, that’s right. YOU have a presentation to give. So, take your robot off the shelf, dust it off, charge it up, finish it, fix it, or improve it. If you’re not currently building, start something! We are a builder’s club. Our stock in trade is functioning robots. This is our first all Show-and-Tell meeting of the year (we have three: March, June, and August). So, don’t be a spectator; build something!
TABLEBot Challenge:
Phase I: Build a robot that goes from one end of the table to the other.
Phase II: Have the robot push a block off the edge of the table.
Phase III: Have the robot push the block into a shoebox mounted at the end of the table
FLOORBot Challenge:
Phase I: Have the robot go from one end of the room to the other and back.
Phase II: Have the robot find an object in the room.
Phase III: Have the robot fetch the object.
AI Challenge:
Phase I: Have the robot verbally chat.
Phase II: Ask the robot to identify an object in the room visually.
Phase III: Have the robot manipulate the object
A-Mazing LineBot Challenge:
Phase I: Autonomously find a way through the maze by following a black line on white floor tiles
Phase II: After finding a way through the maze the LineBot must do it again with no wrong turns
Phase III: Be able to do a maze with loop(s) and get out of the loops. Avoid loops on following runs
RobotArm Challenge
Phase I: Build a robotic arm that moves or waves
Phase II: Pick up an object in a known location and move it to another location
Phase III: Pick up an object from an unknown location and place it in a container or known endpoint location
For everyone else… if your robot doesn’t not fit into any of the above categories… bring it anyway! We love robots of all shape, size and variety.
Robot Dance Party…
A Jam Session… robots just want to have fun! This is an open event where we will play STYX “Mr. Roboto” and robots that feel the need to move to the groove are invited to do so.
Our meetings are hybrid
This month’s in person session is at Maker Nexus, 1330 Orleans Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. The presentation will be remote via Zoom.
Online @ Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87591575859?pwd=bU5FeDdDSXp5ZDBxcVlmVXNMQ0F3UT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9157 5859, Passcode: 743426
One tap mobile +13052241968
Agenda: Regardless of the topic, all of our general meeting use the following pattern:
- Industry News
- Club News
- I Need Help
- Show and Tell
- Presentation
- Random Access
Next SIG Meeting
When: Wed March 19 at 7PM West Coast Time
The HBRC SIG (Special Interest Group) is a random access group; that is a loosely organized discussion of homebrewed robots. Bring your robot, show it off, ask questions, and generally hang out with others who enjoy robot-building as a pastime and/or profession. From beginner to expert, if you are interested in robotics, please join us.
Online @ Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87591575859?pwd=bU5FeDdDSXp5ZDBxcVlmVXNMQ0F3UT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9157 5859, Passcode: 743426
One tap mobile +13052241968
Next HBRC Business Meeting
When: Wed April 2 at 7PM West Coast Time